Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Night - Ahhhh

I guess Mom was listening when I dictated my blog last night, cuz here we are again! And I did want to sharehow much fun we had in the park this morning meeting two new friends! These guys liked me but totally respected my personal space, and you KNOW how important that is to me. I liked them right back, and so much that when Mom asked me to do my tricks I leaped to reply (pun intended!).

What? You don't get it? Haven't you seen my version of the Lambeau Leap? Well, all I can say is - words cannot do it justice. I am poetry in motion, even if I don't have gold pants and fans all around me.

It was a long day without Mom though. And seemed longer than usual. When she came home with lots of bags I knew - she ran errands on her way home. Harumph! But she did feed me right away AND then took me for a walk, so I guess I'll survive. Hope you will too!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Catch up 4

May I be honest? I HATE it when Mom doesn't translate for me for a while and then wants me to catch her up on what I want to say. Doesn't she know that dogs live in the moment? NOW is what counts! I don't remember what I would have asked her to write yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that....

Okay, so maybe I am more together than your average pup. I guess I can think back a few days at least.

OH - Of course! We met AC! AND went to a new dog park! There is nothing, absolutely nothing, as wonderful as being able to wander and sniff at my own pace OFF the leash! Well, riding in the car with my head out the window IS pretty terrific too. But back to AC. She is quite something. She respected my personal space right off the bat, which is tops in my book. I don't know if she was aware of it, but I was eavesdropping on her conversation with Mom, so I heard her admiring me and comparing me to her dog in a very nice way. When we got to the park, she continued to keep her distance. How did she KNOW? I think she just must have a good sense about animals. Anyway, she's aces in my book, and - wait! THAT'S a better name for her than AC - Ace! Okay Ace, we are now officially buddies!

That is absolutely ALL of note in the past several days, because Mom was gone A LOT. She says it's an exception. I sure hope so. *sigh* So long for now cyberfriends....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New friend?

Well, I was quite miffed when Mom left me home alone tonite, even though it WAS a doggy day care day, but it appears it was for a good reason. She did tell me (and has told me for several days now) that she was going to meet a new friend for both of us, but it just didn't sink in until she came home tonite. Good grief! She was bouncing when she came in the door. Really! Bouncing! She said we have a wonderful new friend and I can call her AC for Animal Cop. No, she's not one yet, but that's what she'd like to be, and thank goodness I say. We four-footed folk need more 2-leggeds on our side, especially down in the trenches!

So when do I get to meet this friend, says I. On Saturday, says Mom. We're going to pick her up and all go for a walk together. REALLY?!? That soon? Well YEA MOM! (She doesn't always get her act together that quickly you now, so AC must be a real go-getter.) *YAWN* well, doggy day care did pretty much tucker me out, and after all of the excitement of hearing about a stellar new friend I'm beat. See you Saturday AC. In the meantime, happy dreams...........

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I dictated my blog in double-tie to mom so I could crash early. It was a doggy day care day, and I'm beat. Hopefully Mom won't mess up my words too much.
Where to begin? There was Halloween, with lights at night and the bell ringing waaaaay too many times, especially because this year Mom didn't let me sit out with her. Harumph. Just because I get bored, and then scare the kids, and then bug her doesn't mean I shouldn't be there! After all, she got grandmum from assisted living. So what if I had a good snooze? I should be at Mom's side, especially with all the little ghouls and goblins out!
Sunday was better - I got to laze round in the yard while she worked. I gotta tell ya, there's nothing quite as satisfying as lolling on the grass when your Mom is raking away! She was gone for too long, but when she came back she worked inside with the TV on. I got to do my "TOUCHDOWN" trick once or twice, but she was NOT happy with whatever was going on on the TV. So out we went again. Fine with me - outside is definitely better than inside while it's not cold and icy.

Mom says I'm going to meet a new friend - her 'student' she says. Something about being a mentor for a girl who likes dogs. We'll see - and of course, I'll let you know!

That's it for tonite. Happy dreams cyber-friends!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Wierd sleep

I don't know quite what happened, but I seem to have lost a day. One morning Mom put on my special 'doggy day care collar', and I hopped into the car, all ready to see my buddies at Central Bark Tosa. It sure seemed like a longer ride though, and sure enough, when we stopped and got out of the car it was at Spirit of 76th, my vet. What's that all about? I'm feeling fine, I know I've had all my shots for a while, but come to think of it, Mom had forgotten to give me breakfast before we took off. What's going on?

We went inside, and of course everyone was glad to see me. But then I had to go in the back and wait. Usually, when I go in the back, they poke and prod, or give me a shot, and I go back to Mom. Not this time, although everyone was really nice to me. I waited and waited, and a sweet person talked to me and took me to a different place. I felt something, and then, DREAMLAND. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I was floating and soaring and cruising among the clouds. It was FUN! When I finally came to again, I was back in the waiting area. But OH the attention I got! No wonder mom likes to bring me here! People came and petted me, and talked to me, and asked me how I felt, and told me I was SUCH a good girl, well, it was quite pleasant! Next thing you know, they put my leash back on and take me out of the waiting area, AND THERE'S MOM! It's time to go home, and joy of joys, time for SUPPER!

I hit the sack early for a day in which I didn't seem to do much, but it sure felt good. I do wonder what was going on when I was dreaming though....