Monday, January 25, 2010

Yea for Neighbor Henry!

Mom just told me that my BFF, Neighbor Henry, is the one who's bringing me to the party Sunday! Ohmigosh, I don't care if I can't stay that long, Neighbor Henry is one cool dude. And he LOOOOVES me. We'll have so much fun going to and from, and while I'm there I know he'll keep me safe and happy. THANK YOU Neighbor Henry!!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

So much going on!

Mom drove me all over town today, hopping in and out of the car, and only twice taking me in with her. I know I said I wanted to go along, but I didn't realize that she was going to be so boring about it! We did visit grandmum and grandpup, but that wasn't as much fun as usual cuz Mom chowed down on a terrific smelling sandwich without sharing ANYthing with me until later. Since the smell of her lunch was sooooo good, nothing that grandpup had for me could compare. He was very disappointed that I wouldn't take his treats, but hey - I was waitin' for the good stuff! Which eventually came. And it WAS good.

Mom said she had to take invitations to our party next week. OUR party? I only get to make a "special appearance" , not stay for the whole thing. *sigh* Anyway, if you can make it, it's Sunday afternoon, January 31, from 2p-4p at Vino 100 in Wauwatosa. I'll be there about 3pm, in time for the champagne toast and cake. All I can say is that I better get some cake too!

So come and see me, okay? 'night now.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Whoa! It's a new year!

Mom just told me that I forgot to wish my cyber friends a Happy New Year. Living in the moment as I do, I don't know what a year is, much less why it matters that it changes. Nothing changes as far as I can see, except that Mom was home a LOT for a while there. That was grand! And there were people I hadn't seen in a long time, great food, and one crummy day that Mom made me stay overnight at doggy daycare. Don't get me wrong - I loved the day, but she's supposed to come and get me at the end of it! I was scared because the last time this happened days came and went and she didn't come. This time it was only one night - whew!

Mom said I could also tell you that her small business is set up, and she's going to have something called a website launch party on January 31. You're all invited! Oh - it's from 2p-4p at Vino 100 in Wauwatosa. I'm not sure it sounds like a fun event to me, but you humans may enjoy it. Not too long after that Mom says the first book about me will be available. Harumph. I'll believe it when I see it. And I'll tell all of YOU when I do!

So Happy New Year and whatever else is supposed to go with it....