Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lost Weekend

*sigh* I can talk about it now, but it was pretty horrible for a while. I'm back home with Mom, and we're kind of on track, but there have been no treats and I'm getting very different food.

I got really sick last week. I don't know why, but this time tossing my cookies didn't make me feel better. I wasn't hungry, only wanted a few laps of water, and had to turn around and come home after walking just a little way. Mom got really scared. We went for a long ride in the car, and went into a place I think I might have been to before, but it was a really long time ago. After one lady talked to Mom and checked me out (yes, even took my temperature - very uncomfortable!), another really nice lady came in. Dr. Kati, I think Mom called her. Wow, was she gentle. Just like the first lady I could tell she really cared about how I felt, and she wanted to help me. Unfortunately, that meant Mom had to leave me there! I can't say by myself, because there were all sorts of nice people around, but Mom wasn't with me.

Just when I was feeling better enough to start being scared, I got this warm feeling all around me. It felt like when Mom gives me a big hug and tells me she loves me, only there was nobody there. Well, there was no person there, but there was someone with me - and it even felt like more than one someone. They loved me and let me know they'd be with me until I was all better. With them comforting me, I finally fell asleep.

I have to admit, I'm tired right now. I hope you'll understand if I finish this later....

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I know some of you won't agree with me, but I LIKE snow! It's nice and cold, easy to dig, and WONDERFUL to ROLL in! Mom says I'm making doggy snow angels, but I say it's my own version of twist and shout - I just don't need to bark because my whole body is dancing in the snow!

Now what I canNOT figure out is why Mom thinks I get all the exercise I need from being outside when she shovels and pushes that noisy machine around! We actually don't go for a walk after she's done that! She just says "That's enough Moxie, time to go in the house." and in we go! Maybe I HAVE relieved myself in every way possible, but that doesn't mean I got any EXERCISE! Let alone a chance to catch up on what the other pups in the neighborhood have been up to. Sheesh! Would someone please tell mom that I need to have my walks even when she shovels? Thank you.

Monday, February 1, 2010

No way!

I cannot believe Mom did this to me. She knows I'm quite miffed, and agreed to type what I tell her even if she doesn't like it.
Mom threw a big party yesterday to launch her website (Mom's note: and you remember how excited I was that Neighbor Henry was going to take me? Well, that was BEFORE I found out what a party is like! It was LOUD. And there were all sorts of people and smells that I'd never smelled before, and I wanted nothing to do with it. Mom wanted me to at least walk through the room with her, so I did, at the fastest walk she's ever seen me do! I went straight to the back door, but no luck, she wouldn't let me out. Soooo, back through the crowd, lickety split, to the front door. Thank goodness Henry caught on and got me out of there.

Mom and I talked last night, and again tonight. She had the good sense to apologize to me, and then she explained that this is what it means to be a Canine Celebrity. Ewwwww! I had NO IDEA. So we talked some more, and finally came to a compromise. Evidently some celebrities also don't like crowds, so they hide away in their mansions and villas (whatever they are). Mom said they're called a recluse. Whatever! As long as I don't have to go to noisy parties anymore, I'm for it. So now I guess I'm Moxie T, Canine Celebrity Recluse. Harumph.