Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lost Weekend

*sigh* I can talk about it now, but it was pretty horrible for a while. I'm back home with Mom, and we're kind of on track, but there have been no treats and I'm getting very different food.

I got really sick last week. I don't know why, but this time tossing my cookies didn't make me feel better. I wasn't hungry, only wanted a few laps of water, and had to turn around and come home after walking just a little way. Mom got really scared. We went for a long ride in the car, and went into a place I think I might have been to before, but it was a really long time ago. After one lady talked to Mom and checked me out (yes, even took my temperature - very uncomfortable!), another really nice lady came in. Dr. Kati, I think Mom called her. Wow, was she gentle. Just like the first lady I could tell she really cared about how I felt, and she wanted to help me. Unfortunately, that meant Mom had to leave me there! I can't say by myself, because there were all sorts of nice people around, but Mom wasn't with me.

Just when I was feeling better enough to start being scared, I got this warm feeling all around me. It felt like when Mom gives me a big hug and tells me she loves me, only there was nobody there. Well, there was no person there, but there was someone with me - and it even felt like more than one someone. They loved me and let me know they'd be with me until I was all better. With them comforting me, I finally fell asleep.

I have to admit, I'm tired right now. I hope you'll understand if I finish this later....

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